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Instructions for Replacing Your PP polypropylene Prefilters

Product Codes: UKWF-PF-10/1 | UKWF-PF-10/100 | UKWF-PF-10/20 | UKWF-PF-10/5 | UKWF-PF-10/50 | UKWF-PF-20/1 | UKWF-PF-20/20 | UKWF-PF-20/5 | UKWF-PF-LD-10/10 | UKWF-PF-LD-10/20 | UKWF-PF-LD-10/5 | UKWF-PF-LD-10/50 | UKWF-PF-LD-20/1 | UKWF-PF-LD-20/20 | UKWF-PF-LD-20/5 | UKWF-PF-LD-20/50

Thank you for your purchase. 

How to change your pre-filter cartridge

1) Turn off the water supply. 

2) Take a bucket and place under the filter housing to catch any water spillage. 

3) Then press the red or black button on top of the housing unit (if you have one) to release pressure

Otherwise open up the cold water kitchen tap.

4) Remove the bottom housing from the head (Lefty loosey / righty tighty!)

5) Place the new cartridge in the housing- noting the marking on the cartridge to position top and bottom correctly. 

6) Optionally put some Vaseline on the housing cartridge thread to make it easier to open next time (but do not put Vaseline on the cartridges).

7) Close housing.

Do not over tighten.

8) Turn the water supply back on. (If  you have a bypass valve make sure it is turned back on). 

9) Open up your cold water taps for 5 minutes and flush toilets to let any trapped air escape.

The water may look cloudy for a while (most likely tiny air bubbles) but will settle down. 


Any Problems? Please Telephone 020 8761 6611

Important Note re Reminders

To avoid long term bacteria build-up it is important to change or disconnect your water filter cartridges on time.

We will email you reminders when it's time to change, but please make sure you whitelist our email address so these reminders aren't sent to spam.

And/ or set an alarm now on your mobile or use Siri etc

Please note your feedback and any suggestions as to how we can improve our service are always appreciated.


Thank you

Sales Admin Team
Telephone 020 8761 6611

Water Filter instructions / Guides for fitting and installing


Need advice?
Please call us on
020 8761 6611


UK Water Filters Ltd
Unit D120
Parkhall Industrial Centre
SE21 8DE

UK Water Filters Ltd a Company Limited by Guarantee,
Registered in England,
Company Number: 05249436,
VAT Reg. No. 863 7634 91


Questions? Call us for friendly advice
+44 (0) 20 8761 6611




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