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Your Undersink Anti-scale Option Yes or No

Your Anti-Scale Option..

Why is the Anti-Scale Version Extra?

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Why is the Anti-Scale Version Extra?

There is a lot of misunderstanding - even amongst the professionals - that water filters will remove scale from your water.

Unfortunately, this is not the case.

To get rid of scale you need a water softener.

(Softeners and water filters are different things. Softeners do not filter impurities out of your water. They only prevent scale forming).


The other issue is that standard water softeners are designed to soften all the water in your house and cost hundreds of pounds.

However, many people simply want their tea and coffee to be "scum" free and aren't too concerned with having the rest of their water softened.

While there have been many attempts to address this need, unfortunately almost none of them work as hoped for.

Perhaps you've already tried some of the "solutions" yourself?

We have tested several ourselves but and found that the usual problem is the promised softening doesn't last long enough. Before you know it you are seeing that unpleasant film of "scum" in your drinks again.

Well, now there is a solution that's new to the British market.

It has been tried and tested internationally and we are lucky to have been appointed as one of the exclusive distributors for it in the UK.

We can now offer you a powerful anti-scale under sink multi-stage water filter

At last, you can get great tasting fresh drinking water without the scale.

Unlike so many other claimed solutions that are available on the market, this one will work.


Your Anti-Scale Version Prices

You Have Two Options:

Do you want your anti scale cartridge to last for 6 months or 12 months?

Six Month Renewal Option

Total cost for the new housing unit and 6 month anti sale cartridge is £97

Renewal cost in 6 months time will be £29.97

So you pay £97 now and £29.97 in six months for a new cartridge

Get This Option Now

Twelve Month Renewal Option

(Best value in the long run)

Do you want your anti scale cartridge to last for 12 months? This means less fuss changing the cartridge AND longer term you save money.

Total cost for the new housing unit and 12 month anti sale cartridge is £117

Renewal cost in 12 months time will be £39.97

So you pay £117 now and £39.97 in a years time for a new cartridge

Get This Option Now

Drink to your health

Our water filter systems can remove harmful pathogenic bacteria, cysts, parasites, and unhealthy chemical contaminants such as Chlorine, while at the same time leaving in the essential minerals your body needs.


Save money on bottled water purchases by regularly usingfiltered water. Get your highest quality water filters at the best price here.


We supply the widest range of water filters for any needs - residential or commercial.